At Last!

Here is the book that brings it all together. “48 Hours to Chaos: An Engineer Looks at Life and How the World Really Works” is the one place to go for answers to all those big and little questions that have been bugging you all your life.

Why do we still have wars in our modern, enlightened era? What is the Meaning of Life? Are humans really any different than animals? How do we distinguish good from evil, virtue from vice?

Let this book guide you safely along a clearly marked path through the minefields of science, economics, history, politics, philosophy, religion, psychology, government, and human behavior so that you may pick up clues about how to conduct your life and enhance your prosperity. Let the perspective of an engineer show you the way to understanding amidst the many conflicting choices presented by modern civilization. Learn how the world really works.

Our Audience:

Who can use the information presented in this book? No matter where you are in life, you could probably use a few pointers on how to better understand the conflicting signals bombarding you from all directions.

Let us say you are a high school student who is ready to graduate, yet you still want to know what to believe. You have been educated (or indoctrinated) by your parents, teachers, fellow students, TV, the movies, advertisers, and politicians all your life. You have a suspicion that some of these people had ulterior motives, that the things they told you didn’t really have your best interests at heart, and maybe they were pushing ideas that were good for them, but not all that good for you. In other words, you are looking for guidance about how the world really works, and feel you haven’t completely digested all the stuff you’ve been fed. You are a person who wants to read 48 Hours to Chaos.”

Perhaps you are a college graduate who has taken numerous courses in science, mathematics, English, history, religion, and philosophy, and you feel well qualified to begin your career in the real world, but you feel no one has ever tried to tie all these subjects together as a whole. 

Perhaps the academe may have biased your thinking in a direction you were not sure you agreed with. You need to read “48 Hours to Chaos.”

You may be a middle-aged person who has a successful career so far in life but thinks you could do better if you knew more about how to arrange your future affairs. You are a prime candidate to follow the suggestions in “48 Hours to Chaos.”

Possibly, you could be a titan of industry who has enjoyed great success with your career. You have everything you could possibly want, but feel you may have missed some aspect of significance during your waltz among the international jet set, your sojourn through the rarefied heights of wealth and power. You wish to utilize your riches for the greatest benefit to mankind, but the usual charities seem lacking, somehow. You, too, may benefit from the wisdom offered by “48 Hours to Chaos.”


The tour begins with a review of geologic history, so we get an idea of how long the planet existed before mankind joined the struggle. We see the first stirrings of life in the seas and follow evolution until the appearance of humans. We discover the Meaning of Life for primitive creatures and see how the basic principles apply to more advanced forms of life. We look at early human civilizations, led by tribal chieftains who struggled to dominate their environments. We see how religions developed, took charge of morality, and encouraged virtue in human interactions. We look at social interaction and organization, including such institutions as feudalism, socialism, and capitalism, and see how well the various systems work. We learn what motivates people and how group interactions govern the ways they act. We analyze the forms of government and the use of power to control and guide the population. We address the ways individual liberty and freedom fit into the big picture. In conclusion, a series of short stories are used to illustrate some of the lessons discussed. By the end of the book, you will have new insight as to how the world really works.

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Contact John Waterman